I didn’t get a link to connect to the meeting.
An email from from GoToWebinar Global Customer Support (customercare@gotowebinar.com) was sent to the address you used to register and may be in your “junk” folder if you’re not seeing it in your Inbox. If you do not find it, contact our Member Services Team at help@gsdakotahorizons.org.
I can’t get connected – or - my internet isn’t working.
Verify that you have internet service on the device you are using. If you do, and it still won’t connect go back to the confirmation email that you received and use the call-in number and access code provided to connect on your phone. Through this method you will be able to hear the meeting but not see the presentation.
I’m connected but I don’t have audio.
First, go to the audio portion of the GoToWebinar control panel and ensure that you have “computer” selected as your audio option. If the setting is correct, log out and back into the webinar using the link in the confirmation email sent to you.
If you still do not have audio, then in the GoToWebinar control panel, under “audio” change your selection from computer to phone. Use the phone number provided in the confirmation email to listen to the meeting.
I don't know what district I should be voting for.
Use the Voting Districts document to find your service unit and the district it belongs to.
How do I vote? ( Only those registered as Elected Delegates can vote.)
a. When a vote is called for, a poll will be launched.
b. Using your cursor, select “Yay” to vote for the motion or “Nay” to vote against the motion.
How do I ask a question?
The meeting will not be opened up for questions or discussion, however, in the GoToWebinar control panel in the top right corner of your screen you can select “Questions” and type your question in. Technical questions about connecting or operating during the webinar will be answered. Any other questions that are not addressed through the content of the webinar will be followed up on next week.
If you still need assistance, our Member Services Team is available to you at help@gsdakotahorizons.org and will be responding to inquiries up to and through the Annual Meeting.